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SMBO requests for OUD and ASD be added to list for medical marijuana

Comment period open until February 25

At its recent monthly meeting, the State Medical Board of Ohio, members reviewed petitions requesting conditions to be added to the list of those currently eligible to receive medical marijuana.

The Board determined that Opioid Use Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder will move forward to expert review and public comment. The comment period is Feb. 10 – 25, 2022. This is the first time there has been a petition to add OUD. A petition for ASD was petitioned in 2019 and OPPA was able to convince the board to not approve adding it to the list. 

The OPPA will be submitting comments to the board. Individual OPPA members may wish to do the same. You can send your comments to:

Please submit your comments as soon as possible, prior to February 25, 2022.

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