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Duty to report - State Medical Board of Ohio

Duty to Report

Source: State Medical Board of Ohio

Ohio physicians and many other allied health care providers, regulated by the State Medical Board of Ohio (SMBO), are obligated to report violations of law, rule, and code of ethics standards to the SMBO. Knowing a colleague is violating regulations and not reporting it to the SMBO not only puts patients at risk but also puts your license to practice in jeopardy. Failure to report can result in fines of up to $20,000 and disciplinary action.

While standards of care and scope of practice are specific to the type of health care you provide, you should be familiar with three main sets of regulations:
  1. Statutes: Laws are outlined in Ohio Revised Code (ORC). A link for each license type can be found on the SMBO website.
  2. Rules: Regulations that were created specifically by the SMBO for its licensees. These are found in Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) and a link for each license type can be found on the SMBO website.
  3. Code of Ethics for your profession.

In 2019, the SMBO took additional steps to ensure licensees know the seriousness of their duty to report knowledge of misconduct. The board added a new section to the application and renewal process to ensure those applying for and renewing their licenses are aware of the duty to report.

Licensees should not assume that by informing their supervisor their duty to report is fulfilled. Ohio law is clear when a licensee needs to report information directly to the SMBO. Anyone, including licensees, can file a complaint directly with the SMBO 24/7 through the confidential complaint hotline by calling1.833.333.7626 or completing the online form.

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