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ODH updates allowable charges for copying medical records for 2021

The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) has released updated amounts that physicians and other health care professionals can charge for copying medical records in 2021.

The Ohio Revised Code requires that the ODH use the Consumer Price Index to determine the amount of increase or decrease in costs for providing medical records. The increase for 2021 is a 1.23% increase from 2020.

If the request is made by the patient or the patient’s personal representative, total costs for copies and all services related to those copies, including postage, shall not exceed the sum of the following in 2021:
If the request is made other than by the patient or the patient’s personal representative, total costs for copies and all services related to those copies shall not exceed the sum of the following:

For an X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, or computerized axial tomography scan, recorded on paper or film, the maximum charge is $2.30 per page. The actual cost for postage may also be charged.

These fees are effective for 2021.

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