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State medical board issues annual report for FY15

The Medical Board issues licenses and oversees the practice of medicine and its branches under the authority of the Medical Practices Act, Chapter 4731, Ohio Revised Code (“O.R.C.”), and related law. The Board has jurisdiction over allopathic physicians (MD), osteopathic physicians (DO), podiatric physicians (DPM), physician assistants (PA), anesthesiologist assistants (AA), radiologist assistants (RA), acupuncturists (L.Ac.), oriental medicine practitioners, massage therapists (LMT), cosmetic therapists (CT), and genetic counselors. The Medical Board continues to regulate naprapaths and mechanotherapists licensed by the Board before March 1992.

The Medical Board’s regulatory responsibilities include investigating complaints against applicants and licensees, and taking disciplinary action against those who violate the public health and safety standards set by the General Assembly and the Medical Board.

FY15 Annual Report

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